2023 CCOM Registration Notice
2023 CCOM Chinese Music Examination Registration Notice:
The Canadian Central Conservatory of Music’s Chinese music grade examination registration will start on June 15th 2023, by online submission.
Before registering, please read the examination regulations carefully, as follows:
- The name and other personal information filled in by the candidate must be consistent with the photo ID presented during the test. Photo ID will be used for verification, and no exam permit will be issued.
- When filling in the name on the registration form, please write the surname and first name separately, in different text boxes, otherwise double surnames will appear when printing the certificate. The certificate is printed with information copied directly from the registration form. Registrants are responsible for any errors inputted in the registration form.
- The repertoire for the examination shall be in accordance with the regulations of the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, and will follow the CCOM “Overseas Edition” book. Registrants will name the pieces they have chosen to play for the exam when registering online, and all levels must choose one etude and two pieces of repertoire. The CCOM “Overseas Edition” book can be purchased on the association’s website: www.BCCMA.net.
- Please fill in the level and time of the last-taken examination correctly, so that the system may verify easily. There are two slots for the month and day on the registration form.
- The payment methods for registration include e-transfer and PayPal. Please remember to upload proof of payment after paying. We will send an exam fee receipt through email. Payment is non-refundable and non-transferable – do not use the current year’s payment for the next year. If candidates are unable to take the exam due to illness, please present a doctor’s certificate before the exam. Applicable refunds will be given within one month after the exam time.
- Please click “Send a Copy” of the registration form after submitting, and please do not submit duplicate forms.
- Candidates may change relevant information online before the deadline for registration. Changes are subject to a $20 change fee.
- When filling out the registration form, please be sure to fill in your contact address, telephone number and email address correctly, to ensure successful contact and mailing certificates after the exam.
- No registrations will be accepted after the registration deadline, and an extension fee of $40 will be required for special circumstances.
- As the association will be on break before September, please do not call or leave voicemails to the office. If you have any questions, please email mail@bccma.net.
Central Conservatory of Music, Canada BC Chinese Music Association Grading Examination Committee
June 1, 2023
加拿大中央音乐学院中乐考级报名将于六月十五日开始通过网络 报名,报名前请仔细阅读考级章程,具体注意事项如下:
2. 在填写姓名时请把姓和名分开正确填写,(以前有出现“名”这一 栏里重复填了“姓”),否则在打印证书时会出现双姓,因为证书是 直接从报名表里下载资料的,一旦有错责任自负。
3.报考的曲目按照北京中央音乐学院的规定,一律按照中央音乐学院 海内外考级曲目《海外版》上的曲目,报名时在报名表里自动选择填 写(所有级别都必须选练习曲一首,乐曲二首)。如果没有该《海外版 》的书,可以登录协会的网站www.BCCMA.net购买。
4.上一次考级的级别和时间请正确填写,便于系统核对,月日两个栏 目可以随便填写。
5.报名付款方式有PayPal 和e-transfer,付款后别忘了上传付款凭证。我 们将在考试前通过邮件发给考费收据。报名付款后原则上不退不转让 不延续下一年使用,如因病无法参加考试的需在考前凭医生证明,考 试结束后一个月内给予退款。
6.发布前请点击“发送回复我的副本”,以确保发布成功,同一个报名 表请不要重复发布。
7.在报名截止日期前考生可以上网更改有关的信息,截止日期后如有 更改需要支付$20的更改费用。
8.在填写报名表时请务必正确填上你们的联系地址电话和邮件,以便 于联系和邮寄证书等。
9. 报名截止日期后不再接受报名,个别特殊情况的需支付$40的延期 补报费用。
10.九月份前本协会处于休假期,所以不便接听电话,请不必来电或留 言。如有疑问请直接电邮联系,联系邮箱:mail@bccma.net 中央音乐学院加拿大卑诗中乐协会考级委员会 2023 年6月1日