BCYCO Concert at the Annex on June 27, 2023
The BC Youth Chinese Orchestra invites you to their Spring Concert 2023. Join us on June 27, 2023, at 7:30 pm at The Annex, located at 823 Seymour St. (2nd floor), Vancouver, BC. Experience beautiful Chinese music brought to life by the talented young musicians under the baton of Conductor Nathania Ko.
庇詩青年中樂團誠摯邀請您參加我們的2023春季音樂會。音樂會將於2023年6月27日晚上7點30分,在庇詩省溫哥 Seymour St. 823號(2樓)的 The Annex 呈現。在指揮葛婧馨的帶領下,欣賞這些年輕演奏者們演繹出的美麗旋律和和諧音樂。