May 12th 2018 Chinese-Canadian Miracle Concerts (Richmond)
B.C. Chinese Music Association
Chinese-Canadian Miracle Concerts
-Fundraiser for BC Children’s Hospital Foundation-
卑詩兒童醫院基金 愛心大行動
庇詩中樂協會將在今年五月隆重慶祝中加音樂週。屆時協會將會給大溫地區的觀眾呈現三台絢麗的大型音樂會:“金曲獻愛心慈善音樂會”,“指尖琵琶-李佳博士琵琶獨奏音樂會”“ 樂韻歌聲獻素裡慈善音樂會“。此次活動特別為庇詩兒童醫院基金—愛心 大行動籌款。即將到來的精彩的聽覺盛宴,亮點紛呈,帶給觀眾的不止是震撼,還有驚喜。
成立了二十多年的庇詩中樂團,是北美其中一個最具規模,藝術最完備,最具社會 影響力的中樂演奏大型團體。中樂團將於 5 月 12 號晚(週六)在列治文佳藝劇院隆重舉 辦“金曲獻愛心慈善音樂會”。演出當晚將由青年指揮家華偲然率領 60 多位本地樂手, 以及特邀中國第一位琵琶博士,琵琶大師劉德海得意弟子— 李佳作為獨奏嘉賓,一同為 觀眾演繹多首大型精彩樂曲。在音樂會上,樂手們將為觀眾彈奏各種中國傳統樂器,包括 二胡,笛子,琵琶,古箏,笙,揚琴等。主要曲目有“花木蘭琵琶協奏曲”,“慶典序 曲”,“將軍令”,“羽調”,“玄武湖之春”等等。其中李佳博士演奏的琵琶協奏曲 “花木蘭“ 是由著名作曲家顧冠仁根據北朝民歌“木蘭辭”而作,主要講述了花木蘭這 位巾幗英雄替父從軍的歷史故事。作為本地中樂愛好者翹首期盼的一年一度的盛會,本場 音樂會一定座無虛席。
The BC Chinese Music Association (BCCMA) is proud to celebrate the 30th annual Chinese-Canadian Miracle Weekend in this May. It will present three big concerts in special honor of fundraising for BC Children’s Hospital Foundation: Chinese-Canadian Miracle Concert, Dr. Jia Li Pipa Recital, Chinese-Canadian Miracle Concert Surrey. All these events are must-see spectacles.
As one of the largest Chinese orchestras in North America, BC Chinese Orchestra (BCCO) will be hosting “Chinese Canadian Miracle Concert” at Richmond Gateway Theatre on May 12th Saturday. Under the direction of conductor Peggy Hua, more than 60 members will perform a wide variety of Chinese traditional instruments (erhu, dizi, pipa, zheng, yangqin, etc.) in this concert. A list of popular classical pieces will sound familiar to many in the audience: Concerto Hua Mulan, Celebration Overture, Song of the General, Yu Mode, and many others. The concert particularly features a visiting guest musician Dr. Jia Li, the first Pipa doctorate from China Conservatory of Music. She will play the thrilling pipa concerto Hua Mulan, a timeless masterpiece composed by one the most esteemed Chinese composers, Gu Guanren.