2023 CCOM Exam Details and Guidelines
- Overview
The Central Conservatory of Music holds one of the highest standards of music and arts education of all institutions in China. In order to promote and nurture Chinese music, the Central Conservatory of Music has carried out examinations in many countries and regions since 1989. In line with the purpose of popularizing music education with academic rigour and tradition, it provides student musicians across the world with the opportunity to learn Chinese musical instruments and receive authoritative appraisal and evaluation.
To strengthen the cultural exchanges between China and Canada, the Central Conservatory of Music has collaborated with the British Columbia Chinese Music Association in Canada since 2006. Chinese music examinations have been held throughout Canada, including the “Professional Level Examination” (“Technical Examination”) and the “Chinese Instrumental Music General Knowledge and Music Fundamentals Examination” (“Music Theory Examination”).
Since 2007, the BC Ministry of Education has officially accepted the certificate of the “Off-Campus Music Proficiency Exam” hosted by the British Columbia Chinese Music Association (BCCMA) and issued by the Central Conservatory of Music in China. The results of the Chinese Music Examination can be used as the scores of the BC Secondary School External Credential Program Courses. Students may receive high school graduation credits for these results, and use them to apply for university. The Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM) Courses includes a total of nine instrument categories: Guzheng, Erhu, Pipa, Yangqin, Zhongruan, Dizi, Sheng, Liuqin and Suona. Candidates can apply for a maximum of 8 credits for completing their “Technical Examinations” together with “Music Theory Examinations” – credits for which can be used for secondary school graduation requirements. Exam credentials and their respective grade requirements are as follows:
- Central Conservatory of Music 10 / UCCM 10 – Level 7 “Technical Exam” together with the “Music Theory Exam” certificate may be awarded four credits.
- Central Conservatory of Music 11 / UCCM 11 – Level 8 “Technical Exam” together with the “Music Theory Exam” certificate may be awarded two extra credits.
- Central Conservatory of Music 12 / UCCM 12 – Level 9 “Technical Exam” together with the “Music Theory Exam” certificate may be awarded two extra credits.
Eligible subjects and categories are:
Class | Instrument | Chinese Instrument Name |
E | Erhu | 二胡 |
P | Pipa | 琵琶 |
Y | Yangqin | 扬琴 |
S | Sheng | 笙 |
L | Liuqin | 柳琴 |
G | Guzheng | 古筝 |
D | Zhudi | 竹笛 |
Z | Zhongruan | 中阮 |
N | Suona | 唢呐 |
- Application Level and Subject
The performance level of each instrument is defined as Levels 1-9, in addition to the highest Performance Level. A maximum of 2 levels can be registered at the same time each year.
Levels 1 to 6: In order to lay a solid foundation, it is recommended to apply for examinations level by level. Among them, the fourth level is compulsory, and at least one of the fifth and sixth levels must be selected for the examination.
Level 7: Students must pass Level 5 or Level 6 before applying for this exam. Seventh to the Performance Level: no level skipping is allowed. Candidates applying for the Performance Level must have obtained the ninth level certificate. Anyone who has studied the above instruments may sign up, regardless of age or region.
- Exam Content
Performance component:
One etude is required at all levels (memorization not necessary), along with two chosen repertoire pieces (memorized except for candidates aged 18 and above). At the exam, one repertoire piece may be chosen to be evaluated.
Oral test:
Since the exam is completed through video upload, the oral component is exempted.
- Registration
Registration and processing timeline
Registration period: June 15 to August 15, 2023
Processing period: September 1 to 30, 2023
Registration method and guidelines:
Only online registrations are accepted. Please visit www.bccma.net to register.
British Columbia Chinese Music Association (BCCMA) location: #303-8495 Ontario St.
Vancouver BC V5X 3E8
Contact email: mail@bccma.net
Links to these guidelines and the online exam registration form are posted in the “CCOM” page of the official website of the “BC Chinese Music Association” (www.bccma.net). All information is subject to the official online version. Before filling out and submitting the registration form, please read the examination regulations carefully. All exam fees are paid in Canadian dollars.
When registering, candidates must provide their English name or pinyin, Chinese name (if any), date of birth, subjects that are applied for, level, repertoire (selected from the registration list), contact email, and the level and time of the last examination.
Candidates under the age of 18 must fill in their parents’ or instructors’ name and contact number.
The name of the certificate will be extracted from the registration information provided by the candidate, and cannot be changed once the certificate has been generated.
Please check the registration information carefully.
- Examination fees
Level | Examination Fee (CAD $) |
1 | 90 |
2 | 100 |
3 | 110 |
4 | 125 |
5 | 135 |
6 | 145 |
7 | 160 |
8 | 180 |
9 | 200 |
Performance Level | 280 |
- Examination and Certification
- Examination time: please refer to the time provided to the candidates in an email after registration.
- This year’s technical examination will be carried out in the form of a video upload. The examination rules will be sent to candidates by email after registration. Please be sure to fill in a valid email address on the application form. If you do not receive a response after the result announcement time, please email the BCCMA to check (please do not call, as there will be no one to answer when the office is vacant).
- Video upload time: October 20, 2023
- Result announcement time: February 2024
- Time for issuing certificates: approximately 2 months after the results are announced.
- Important Notes
- Except for etudes that are allowed to be non-memorized, all tested repertoire must be played while memorized. Exception: candidates who are at least 18 years of age need not memorize the repertoire.
- Candidates are required to provide their own tuned instruments for the examination.
- No accompaniment or backing tracks may be used during the exam.
- Candidates should prepare all the repertoire required for the examination, and there must be no missing items. Missing items will be regarded as being failed to prepare.
- Due to copyright regulations, all candidates will use the overseas version of the grading examination repertoire textbook compiled by the Central Conservatory of Music Grading Examination Committee. They can be purchased online through www.bccma.net/shop. The music theory test (applicable only in British Columbia) must use the “Exam Scope of Basic Knowledge of Traditional Chinese Instrumental Music Theory” compiled by the Central Conservatory of Music Grading Examination Committee.
- Due to the limited time of video submissions, it is not necessary to observe repeat signs within the music. If students encounter a repeat sign with different endings, students may directly enter the second ending. When recording a video, please point the camera of the cellphone at the front of the performer and record.
- Candidates who fail to register and take the exam on time due to computer technical problems, network problems or other personal reasons will be deemed to have forfeited the test automatically, and there will be no make-up exam and no refund.
- When submitting the online registration form, applicants must follow the instructions and pay the examination fee online at the same time. After the payment is successful, proof of payment must be uploaded.
- If information must be changed after submitting the registration form, please send an email to mail@bccma.net, and a fee of $20 is required to make the change.
Candidates and parents are requested to read this document carefully and abide by the regulations within.
The Central Conservatory of Music and the BC Chinese Music Association have the final right of interpretation. Thank you for your cooperation!
Central Conservatory of Music’s Overseas Music Level Examination in Canada
BC Chinese Music Association
May 1, 2023
中央音乐学院(Central Conservatory of Music)是中国最高音乐学府。为弘扬中华民族音乐文化,中央音乐学院自1989年起先后在多个国家和地区开展考级工作,本着普及音乐教育的宗旨,以严谨的学术作风和优良传统,为海内外业余学习中国乐器的音乐人士,提供专业权威性的水平鉴定与考核工作。
为加强推动中国与加拿大的文化交流,中央音乐学院与加拿大卑诗省中乐协会(BC Chinese Music Association)合作,从2006年开始,在加拿大地区举办中乐水平等级考试。包括“专业等级考试” (技术考级)和“中国民族器乐常识与音乐基础考试”(乐理考级),协助推动当地中乐发展。
加拿大卑诗省教育部从2007年开始,正式唯一认可由中国中央音乐学院考核的中乐考级成绩,并接受由其颁发的“校外音乐水平等级考试”合格证书,批准列入卑诗省中学校外学分课程(External Credential Program Courses)成绩,可用于高中毕业申请大学的学分。学分组别定名为:Chinese Central Conservatory of Music Course(中国中央音乐学院课程)。乐器类别包括:古筝、二胡、琵琶、扬琴、中阮、竹笛、笙、柳琴和唢呐共9项。考生以其中单项“技术考级”连同“乐理考级”合格证书,最多可申请8个学分,作为中学毕业学分用途。学分组别及成绩要求分别如下:
Chinese Central Conservatory of Music 10 / 中央音乐学院中乐课程 – 音乐10组学分
UCCM 10 – 第七级“技术考级”连同“乐理考级”合格证书可获4 分。
Chinese Central Conservatory of Music 11 / 中央音乐学院中乐课程 – 音乐11组学分
UCCM 11 – 第八级“技术考级”连同“乐理考级”合格证书可多加
Chinese Central Conservatory of Music 12 / 中央音乐学院中乐课程 – 音乐12组学分
UCCM 12 – 第九级“技术考级”连同“乐理考级”合格证书可多加
Class 组别 | Instrument | 乐器名称 |
E | Erhu | 二胡 |
P | Pipa | 琵琶 |
Y | Yangqin | 扬琴 |
S | Sheng | 笙 |
L | Liuqin | 柳琴 |
G | Guzheng | 古筝 |
D | Zhudi | 竹笛 |
Z | Zhongruan | 中阮 |
N | Suona | 唢呐 |
各专业演奏水平定为1—9级及演奏级。每年最多可同时报考2 个级别。
- 报名及审核时间
- 报名方式及规则
联系地点:加拿大卑诗中乐协会(BCCMA)(303-8495 Ontario St.
Vancouver BC V5X 3E8)
本章程及在线考试报名表格的链接刊登于“卑诗中乐协会”官方网页(www.bccma.net)的“CCOM /中乐考试”项目内。一切资料以官方在线版本为准。在填写及提交报名表前,应先详阅本考试章程。所有考试费用以加币缴纳。
级别 | 报名费(加元) |
一级 | 90 |
二级 | 100 |
三级 | 110 |
四级 | 125 |
五级 | 135 |
六级 | 145 |
七级 | 160 |
八级 | 180 |
九级 | 200 |
演奏级 | 280 |
- 考试时间
- 视频上传时间:2023年10月20日
- 成绩公布时间:2024年2月
- 发放证书时间:约为成绩公布后2个月内
- 练习曲可看谱;乐曲须背谱,年满 18 周岁以上者例外。
- 考生须自备调好音的演奏乐器应考。
- 考试时一律不得使用伴奏或伴奏带。
- 考生应准备全部规定应考曲目,不得缺项,缺项视为不通过。
- 由于版权规定,所有考生一律使用中央音乐学院考级委员会编定的海外版考级曲目教材,如有需要可以通过www.bccma.net网上购买。乐理考试(仅卑诗省适用)必须选用中央音乐学院考级委员会编定的《中国传统器乐理论音乐基础知识测试范围》。
- 因视频的时限特殊性,考试中,如遇到反复记号,均无须反复;如遇到不同结尾反复记号(“跳房子”),可直接进入第二结尾(“2 房子”)演奏。录制视频时,请用手机镜头对准演奏者正面录制。
- 由于电脑技术问题、网络问题或其他个人原因未能按时报名和应考的考生,视为自动放弃考试,不设补考,不予退费。
- 申请人提交网上报名表时,须按指示同时于网上缴纳考试费用,缴纳成功后须上传缴费凭证。
- 报名结束后如须更改有关报考资料,请发送电邮至 mail@bccma.net,并须缴纳20加元的更改费。